New Studio
Welp, it’s finally happening. My new woodworking studio is up and now comes the part I’m not fond of, finishing off the inside. The floor is stained and ready for sealing. Then furring channel to attach the sheet rock, run … Continued
Just me talking about stuff
Welp, it’s finally happening. My new woodworking studio is up and now comes the part I’m not fond of, finishing off the inside. The floor is stained and ready for sealing. Then furring channel to attach the sheet rock, run … Continued
This weekend will be teaching a basic turning class at WoodCraft. We will go over safety, sharpening tools, tool selection and use and of course they will be doing a lot of spindle turning. 06/10/2017 starting at 10 am. Casselberry, … Continued
You know it is interesting what sets us off. I am a lover of woodworking tools old, new, power or not; I love them all. I was reading a blog from a famous very tall non-power woodworker about the evils … Continued
I’m starting a new chapter in my online journey with blogging. Face Book and LumberJock have got me started but I want to do my own thing! This should be fun